Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Kitchen (Part 1)

So our Kitchen when we moved in looked like this...

We have gone back and forth about what to do about it. We wanted to gut it and start over but don't have the cash to do that right now. Also holding us back is the soffit above the cabinets. We were hoping we could take it out but after poking a few holes in it we discovered it is hiding the pipes running to and from the upstairs bathroom.

We had almost 60 square feet of wood flooring left over from the installation in the rest of the house. We didn't have the kitchen done at the time because we weren't ready to redo the whole kitchen and weren't sure if we would do wood or tile.  Currently the floor looks like this...

So the decision is to buy enough wood to do the kitchen floor  (this time we will do it ourselves.) Then paint and add some trim to dress up the cabinets and replace the counter.

The wood is ordered and I'm starting on a sample cabinet door  to make sure we have a plan.  I've been getting ideas from other blogs and images on Pinterest

Our cabinets are flat front dark wood.  We want to add a thin strip of wood all around the edge of the cabinet and down the middle. We saw it here on a blog entry from the lettered cottage.  The tricky part so far has been finding wood. Big box stores had nothing less than an inch thick. I found a lumber yard in town and the gentleman in the office was very helpful. We had to have them plane the wood down to 1/4 inch for us. Now we have wood and I'm working on prepping the door.

I've been following these directions from Better Homes & Gardens.
The liquid sandpaper didn't seem to do all that much.  I'm using and oil based primer and that seems to stick really well anyway so on the next cabinet I may skip the liquid sandpaper.  I sanded after priming and then put one coat of paint on. Its very difficult to get it even and smooth and the paint didn't stick well to spots I over or under sanded.   I hope to have at least 1 door done by the weekend so I'll put up a pic as soon as its done!