Friday, September 30, 2011

Progress, a few problems and an early delivery

Even though our friends aren't coming tomorrow because their babies are sick (ugh ear infections are no fun) we pushed ahead and got a lot done.  The cabinets on the wall are painted !!!!
 It took 3 coats of paint after the primer and I'm really happy with the results. The bad news is our counters now look like this.

Good thing we are replacing them. (I'm not sure what we're replacing them with just yet!!!)

I've also finished priming the cabinet doors and drawers. The next step is to assemble the molding that will get attached to the front of the door. 

 We have hit a small snag.  The directions we are following were done on a cabinet door that had sharp square corners. Our doors have slightly rounded corners and edges.  We are going to make a mock up tomorrow and paint it to see if the rounded edge is noticable. If it is....hmmmm I'll get back to you on that.

Also we weren't expecting our flooring to be in for two more weeks but YAY!!!! Steve got a call and picked it up at lunch. Its 4 inch Hickory Natural pre-finished solid hardwood. Its the same wood we put in the rest of the house except the family room (which is on a slab.) Someday I'll do a post about the long long process of selecting this floor and everything I learned in the process.

 Maybe the best part of the day was watching Everett having fun climbing in and out of the cabinets.