Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday night work

This weekend was such a whirlwind of work I can hardly remember what we did on what day.
Friday (I think) was spent ripping out the floor cabinets and emptying the room.  The first snag was the dishwasher.  It was anchored to the counter top with these:
 Do these have a name? I've never seen these before and we obviously didn't have the tool to remove these. So we did this:
After a bit of destruction to the counters the screw just came right out.

Once the dishwasher was out, and the sink was disconnected the counter tops came off pretty easily. The first cabinet came out easily too.  But the big double cabinet was really tough.  

There was the little matter of the plumbing.  We had to cut a hole from the pipes all the way to the back of the cabinet like this

Then the next snag was getting one of the nails out of the back support of the cabinet and the wall. It was a very stubborn nail. Each method resulted in more destruction. Prying and knocking put a big hole in the drywall.  Drilling it out destroyed the wood and broke a drill bit.  Honestly I'm not even sure what eventually worked, but in the end we got it out and put the cabinets in the dining room.

Several drill holes on the wood in the front of this image. A big hole in the drywall in the back.
The night before we had to rip out a layer of flooring to make it even. Friday night we discover we need to ADD a layer under the cabinets to make the floor level. So as we made our shopping list for Saturday morning, quarter inch plywood was on the list. Also on the list was spackle for the hole in the wall, and a new drill bit.

But other than that we were ready for a floor install!!