Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday was new floor day!

Our son usually wakes up around 6am. Sometimes we let him cry a minute or two and he goes back to sleep, but he almost always wakes up at least once before 7 am. (Sometimes several times.)
 As a result of this human alarm clock, we don't set our actual alarm clocks on the weekend, even when we have a big day of home improvement scheduled.  So imagine our surprise when our eyes opened at 8am and there was no baby crying!  SHOCKING!!! We NEVER sleep in anymore and 8am was a post baby record. I guess we all needed the sleep. Steve and I had worked until about midnight on Friday, and we had a long day ahead of us.

So we hopped out of bed, got dressed, and headed out to Home Depot.  We got our plywood and other supplies and then stopped at Wawa for breakfast, (no working kitchen means no cooking!) We headed home and Everett and I played while Steve screwed the plywood down onto the floor.

Around 10 Everett went down for a nap and my Dad showed up.  Then we all put our heads together and tried to figure out how we would join the hallway with the kitchen. This took about two hours. We did a lot of measuring.

Then after many discussions, careful calculations and several plans we said "screw it," threw down some underlayment, and started hammering in the planks.

It took all day and we worked our butts off! We left all the detail work for another day but we got a lot done.

By 6pm we had all but the last two feet behind the cabinets done. We also had some edge work and the pantry left to do, but I was really happy with how much we accomplished.  Steve and I make a good team!

I also had fun using the mitre saw and the nail gun thingy.  

Next up: finishing the floor, cabinets, counters and sink!!!!!